The book of eli is he blind the whole time

Its interesting that both cite mad max, a film which is not described as a neowestern in its article despite pegging many of themes and tropes listed above, certainly far more than the book of eli does. Eli tells the guards that he has a copy of the bible. Incase you havent seen it, heres the surprise ending of the book of eli. Imagine watching the sixth sense and it takes half an hour for them to tell you that hes been dead the whole time. But i want to note a number of elements which make the book of eli. Carnegie presses his blind lover claudia jennifer beals to send her daughter, solara mila kunis, to at least convince eli to spend the night by sleeping with him. Screenwriter gary whitta is one of the main men responsible for eli s audacity and talking to him for an hour and forty minutes was nothing short of a treat. At the end, we see eli telling the librarian that he has the book, intercut with a scene of carnegie attempting to break into the one he s been given. The book of eli denzel washington interview youtube. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiats, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Eli tries to see if the woman is blind by testing her. What else rises in the east, sets in the west, and reappears in the east once again. Eli has in his possession the last surviving bible in the world, and he is on a mission he believes was given to him by god, to head west to where it will be safe.

Subverted when we find out that carnegie has the real book, but cant read it, whereas eli knows the whole thing by heart. At the end, we find out the bible was in braille and he was blind the whole time. Just because the bible is written in braille doesnt mean he is blind. Carnegie has a mother and daughter, claudia and solara in his entourage, claudia was blind from birth, but solara is sighted. Remember, he had a crush on her the whole movie blocking her while she was getting elis. Eli didnt see the no trespassing sign outside the cannibal house, and he kicks the step before entering.

Son of a pastor, washington was so drawn to the spiritual aspects of the story, he also signed on as a producer. The book of eli or denzel washington is cooler in slow motion. Does this imply that he is blind and has been living completely by faith his entire life or is the punchline of the movie that he is the simply the last living man on earth who can read braille. I also love how the villain finally gets his claws on the book but cant really do anything with it since he cant read braille. In the book of eli, when eli opens the zippo lighter, he hovers his. Ya he was, if you watch carefully at the end of the movie he is actually blind. Book of eli eli is not blind at least not in this scene youtube. Some feel maybe he was blind before, which explains how he was able to. So i finally saw the book of eli cuz you told me it was worth seeing. Eli had memorized the whole thing and read it back to the ones in the city who wrote it all down. Eli replies pay for what, since he cant see all the visual clues that solara is. Eli has been traveling on foot for years and is nearing the end of his mission. I think he was blind in one eye only, cuz only one appeared to be grey. In the movie the book of eli, was the character played by denzel.

The book of eli starts out with 10 minutes of dialoguefree imagery depicting the type of postapocalyptic wasteland made familiar in recent. He is known as the former editorinchief of both the uk and us editions of pc gamer magazine and contributor to gaming magazine ace. If you look at the movie, sometimes i actually bumped into stuff and they used it. The book of eli was directed by twins, albert and allen hughes. In a violent postapocalyptic society, a drifter, eli, has been wandering westward across north america for the last thirty years. Still, its hard to believe he was blind the whole time. Book of eli spoilers i just thought that the bible was for blind people, i didnt actually realize he was blind until someone on the misc said so, dam i fail. The other interpretation is that eli, blinded by the events from the apocalypse, after finding the book in his youth, is somehow blessed with hysterical sightedness, all the way until he finally find his way to alcatraz and does his verbal dump, and afterwards, his blindness returns, but only after his mission was completed. Hey, remember that time i taught my little brother to read.

Eli, who talks at one juncture about how he walks by faith, not by sight, is blind. If eli was blind, how did he know which direction was west. Redridge fired one shot at eli with his pistol and by the sounds of it, completely missed. Eli wears dark sunglasses, as blind people often do. The writer wanted eli blind the whole time, guided by blind faith in his trek to bring the christian word of god to a place where it would be protected and used for no ill deeds.

So in the opinion of a secular critic such as myself, its hard not to consider elements of the film to be laughably ridiculous. Spoilers every clue in the book of eli that explains the. The devastation is total and that allowed us to speculate about how the world would look and how people would manage if the whole grid was wiped out and we were thrown back into a primitive way of life. While not all of that convo is here since some of that time involved us sidetracking and talking about other films etc. He had memorized the whole thing and dictated the contents to that dude. This was particularly the case for me since i saw this movie on a plane, which had been edited the movie, not the. Thank you lord for a warm bed to sleep on, thank you for the food we are about to eat, thank you for a roof over our heads on cold nights such as this, thank you for companionship in hard times like these, amen. Mar 22, 2011 people seem to think so, but when he heard a noise outside why did he get. It is at this point that his greatest obstacle is yet to come in the person of carnegie, gary oldman who, like eli, is a survivor from the time before. The bad guy had the bible, but it was useless to him because the one person who could read it feigned having lost the ability to.

The second shot, he took his time, gripped his pistol properly, aimed, fired and if you notice he hit eli in his backpack. The point is my faith and religion got a blind person through all those obstacles, even if it does render the entire plot completely ludicrous. Taken inside, eli is revealed to be blind, and dictates the new king james version of the bible from memory to. Carnegie tries to get claudia to read it, but she cruelly lies and tells him that shes forgotten how. A wound from elis gun has infected his leg and he has little time to live. One day he wanders into a small town run by carnegie, a determined man who has been sending out men in search of a particular book, the very one eli has in his possession. Their parents divorced when they were two years old, and they began making movies at age 12.

In the first house eli holes up in, he looks at the mouse, he roots through his bag, while moving his head to see better into the bag. Eli does not notice the car with the skeleton until he hears the sound of rattling metal. Jan 14, 2010 albert hughes, who directed the movie along with his brother allen, said, the book of eli takes us to a future that is decimated. During the whole movie it looked like the climate was pretty hot, dry, and harsh, thus the ever constant. There are many many clues as to eli s character being blind throughout the entire movie. Apr 22, 2010 eventually the two make it alcatraz where a group is trying to retain culture and would be able to keep the bible safe if eli had it. The book of eli was greatquestion the leading glock. Realizing eli is a literate man like himself, carnegie forces him to stay the night under guard. My view is that when you see what the book is and that he s blind that to me tells you god must exist.

However, eli proves to be the better man when he gently declines her advances. If not, then theres no other explanation for how he s been able to do all that he did. Jul 19, 2010 the script clearly states at the end that this is where we see that eli is blind etc. Solara follows eli from east to west and, at the end, claims that shell return home. I want to rewatch it to look for clues that eli is blind. But when he cracks open the clasp that holds it closed, he discovers that its written in braille. The book of eli, sometime in the future a lone warrior eli denzel washington is on a mission surrounding the presumed last remaining bible. Somehow, he has even managed to win gun fights when his opponents were standing on top of buildings far away. Eli survives the gunshot and makes his way west with solaras help. If he was blind the whole time and in the end his eyes were white, why are his eyes brown when we takes off his shades and looks out the window and look up at the sun. He was blind the whole time, that is why towards the end the book he was carrying that got taken was in braille and the bad guy in the end could not read it and the other girl refuse to tell him what it said.

There are lot of little signs that he s blind if you know what youre looking for. In the bible, the high priest eli was blind, and some might say that there are several scenes which may indicate that in the. The book of eli is a movie set in a post apocalyptic world about a guy named eli, played by denzel washington. Book of eli, i started to wonder if eli was actually blind the whole time. Whitta was the screenwriter of the book of eli 2010, cowrote after earth 20 with m. In the book of eli, when eli opens the zippo lighter, he hovers his hand over it to make sure its working. The bible he had with him was in braille and is of no use to carnegie, who finds his city falling apart now that he no longer has his soldiers to maintain order. Incorrect mistakes and their corrections for the book of eli 2010. Throughout the movie at different times there were references to peoples hands. I did a little the first time i saw it, and after this rewatch he s just got to be able to see a little bit, at least.

According to imdb faq, yes he was possibly partially blind. He calls the engineer in to unlock the book and once its unlocked they see the bible is in braille in alcatraz, a closeup of eli s face shows us that he is blind as well. He is able to find the pawn shop in the first place, even though he s never been there. The book of eli 2010 frequently asked questions imdb. At this point eli turned around and a shootout with carnegies men ensued. Was eli just able to read braille for some unknown reason or was he actually blind all the time probably since the apocalypse 30 years ago, which is implied to have blinded many people. The big twist in the book of eli is that at the end is it revealed that eli is blind and his bible is in braille the plothole is that eli constantly makes eye contact and watches people even though he is blind. You dont have to be blind to know braille, it could have been one line of fucking dialogue. Eli closes his eyes every time he reads the bible in order to more focus his sense of touch and cut off the visual stimuli. Mar 03, 2017 i thought he was blind when i saw the movie. If you watch it a second time there is a lot of things you dont catch the first time when you assume he can see. A wound from eli s gun has infected his leg and he has little time to live.

In the bible, the high priest eli was blind, and some might say that there are. The book of eli and the road to redemption catholic stand. In the movie the book of eli was eli blind the entire. He did carry the braille bible for 30 years and mentioned that he read it every day. There are moments where you could construe he was blind only after you decided he was. They made their first short film, how to be a burglar shortly after freshman year. The way i understood it, eli was blind throughout the whole movie, which supports the miraculous nature of his actions and supernatural protection. Not all the time, carnegie answers, shooting eli in the gut. Eli s totally blind, preturnaturally good at location and detection, enabling him to fight like a freaking ninja, and has some divine protection and guidance, or 3. The girl sees eli s book, and when carnegie finds out he beats her mother until she reveals what she.

With this being said, eli was used as a messiah being led by god. In the book of eli was denzel washington blind the whole time. Individual knife related forums martin olexey blades. Eli trips over things, sometimes you can tell that he s feeling around with his foot before he steps, he bumps a table, shit like that. In the movie the book of eli we discover at the end that the bible eli has been carrying the entire movie is written in braille. I saw that im not the only one who questions whether or not he is. And they find a pocket of civilization holed up in alcatrazan echo of the monasteries that outlived the dark ages. Com is the worlds largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiats of all types. In the movie the book of eli, was the character played by. The book of eli 2010 is both underappreciated and a secret. Aug 23, 2017 hi, i made this video to prove that eli is not blind at least not in this scene. Night shayamalan, and codeveloped the story for rogue one 2016. Book of eli caps wasteland saga with a twist the book of eli starts out with 10 minutes of dialoguefree imagery depicting the type of postapocalyptic wasteland made familiar in recent.

Their next work, uncensored videos was broadcast on. Now in my defense, there are films about religion andor faith that ive enjoyed immensely example. Somehow eli has been walking in the right direction the whole time. After carnegies blind mistress claudia brings eli food and water, carnegie orders her daughter solara to seduce eli, but he rebuffs her. Jan 16, 2010 the book, which he reads daily, gives him strength and a determination to complete this mission. As eli is speaking, the camera zooms in on his eyes, and we see that eli is blind. Book of eli eli is not blind at least not in this scene. I like to beleive that he was able to see the whole time and that once his mission was done that he went blind again. Eli runs into a table or something in the first shack, where they guy is strung up in the closet. In the book hes blind, in the movie no he fuckin aint, cataracts maybe but his acting was terrible. The whole time only reasen he was able to do what he did was because he was suppose to be being led by god, at the very end after he completed his task his eyes are glazed and sorta cross like a blind person. In fact we are finding out eli is blind for about 20 minutes.

Solara sees eli has a book, and he offers to share his food, saying grace before they eat. I think he was blind the whole time, but like jesus healed the blind, he could see with the power of god, seen especially clear. Eli denzel washington is, in fact, blind, hence why he wears sunglasses for the entire movie. Take it how youd like, but it wasnt some deeper meaning. And each time someone fires on him, eli turns in that direction and returns fire. The only thing i disagree with was the sightedness of eli, he wasnt blind. If he is blind how do you explain the accurate shots with the arrow. Eli is staring her down for her reaction to his test. He asks her whether it happened after or during the war, which may give the reason for his blindness. Book of eli caps wasteland saga with a twist wired. Eli has several conversations with people while looking right at them.

Theres this whole issue, without giving it away, is he blind, is he not. The book of eli dvd 2009 this is probably one of the most highly underrated movies of 2010 due to the overwhelming surge of 3d films brought on by avatar which was out around the same time of this film. He searches the shelves of the first house he checks in the beginning of the movie, before he finds the dead body by running his hand through it. Eli is blind the whole time the book of eli summit entertainment. When he finds the dead body hanging it is very clear that his shock is caused by the doors falling off the hinges, not the sight of the dead person. And if he was really blind, then how could he do all those things he did and appear as a man who can see perfectly. Fortunately for eli he has memorized the whole bible because in a dramatic twist it turns out he s been blind this whole time. He finds solace in a unique book which he carries on his person and guards closely, whilst surviving by hunting small animals and seeking goods in destroyed houses and vehicles to trade in. Dec 22, 2010 he was blind the whole time, that is why towards the end the book he was carrying that got taken was in braille and the bad guy in the end could not read it and the other girl refuse to tell him what it said.

Eli was blind before the war and after finding the bible and hearing gods voice he regained his sight until his task was completed finding a safe place for the bible this is why he did things a blind man would do and could read braille and also why is eyes were normal at the start of the film and clouded and the end. When he searches the cabin for example he doesnt look at anything he just feels around the shelves with his hands. The book of eli believe, holidays, christmas, people. The cooling towers, in which eli denzel washington and solara mila kunis take refuge, are most likely the cooling towers of the former rancho seco nuclear power plant outside of sacramento, california, given the apparent travel time on foot and by vehicle before eli and solara reach the golden gate bridge, and carnegie gary oldman returns to his town. Then we come to the twists where you find out that he s been blind the whole time and the book was in braille and it. A man of few words and many brave and horrible actions is what eli is. I liked the relationship of denzel and mila kunis and i wish that would have been explored just a little more. Eli bumps the car door with his bag to gauge exactly where it is. I think as eli was reciting the whole bible and slowly dying, the lord took his sight away. In fast times at ridgemont high 1982 for judge reinholds masturbation. The book of eli is a film ruled by its religious conviction. Dec 05, 2011 incase you havent seen it, heres the surprise ending of the book of eli. He looks out the window the next day, moving his eyes to and fro to take in the situation.